We're converting nutrients, whether soluble, or already complexed, to readily rehydratable, available nutrition, while offsetting the percentage of toxins.

The Physicality of Vegetation Vitality
If plants are what they drink, its likely TDS and EC are easier drank than a complex or crystal, like calcium, calcium carbonate, sodium or ferric chloride, calcium phosphate and the like. If we take soil, titrate it with deionized water, and see 1/20th of nutrients we see when we titrate the soil with the acetic acid, even more than the sulfuric acid at 4.8 pH. The physics indicate we are creating more EC, and so does the data, from single digit to triple digit!
Are these minerals, complexed by valence with other elements and gasses, clogging your soil, blocking the flow of water and nutrients, and perhaps oxygen? As the process continues, does your soil get so s=cemented that it begins to go anoxic? Does anoxicity propagate toxicity and toxic anaerobic biology “and slimes”? You bet it does!
The sweet spot “$” is realized from starting on the other ring and working your way into the center. It begins with infiltration – which then can transport hydration and nutrition, even medicine to the toxins. What are the typical causes of hindered infiltration? Cementation from evaporative sales – insoluble evaporative salts from strong acids (both conditions are bound up nutrition), followed by complexes of calcium phosphate, calcium chloride, ferric chloride – but also possibly slimes of biology, namely slimes of bacteria colonies who have sustained themselves with water, bacteria, and food sources (namely sulfur, sulfate, iron and or manganese). Acid nor pH mitigate slimes. Biocides do not mitigate cementation.

Blockages – In our chemistry, WaterSOLV™, we’re converting nutrients, weather soluble (as in water), or complexed (as in scale and soil), into EC, permanently. The evaporate salts are not crystals, they are readily, easily hydratable with as little as moisture, versus water, and quite irrespective of water quality, similar to the solubility of sodium. Yet, rehydrated, we are high grade nutrient with added amino acids and sugars (or in the case of WaterSOLV™ BC, dissolved oxygen, and more pure water). Blockages are usually cementation, where in these complexes we see carbonate scale and calcium phosphate, also calcium and ferric chloride. But additionally, we see bio slimes – polysaccharides, usually in places where you find black matter and red matter. This is where peroxide and dissolved oxygen come into play, not much else will break through except for physical aerification. However, it’s a growing problem, literally colony forming units that multiply exponentially. You can’t bury it for long with new sod or top dressing. The bacteria exude more slime, toxic wastes and gasses feeding on sulfur, sulfate, iron and or manganese.

Isn’t that cementation supposed to be nutrition? Are we adding calcium sulfate when there is already an abundance of calcium and sulfate? Is sulfate the element the black matter bacteria utilize as food source?
If I acidify with the acetate, will it release more elements than the acidified water, or the R.O. water? Yes, and HCT has determined how to make that acetic acid even more beneficial and far less expensive, than any other known alternative.
The Buckets of Elements, water, soil and tissue (Tissue not exhibited). This is our tool, how we look at your water and soil to identify the potential challenges and areas for improvement (if any).