The WaterSOLV Custom Turf Program
With continuous use, the WaterSOLV Program treats water to foster the vitality of your turf, shrubs and trees. Treatment of your water ranges from 1.5 to 3 ppm which is just 1.5 to 3 gallons of product for every million gallons of water. Effective water treatment leads to infiltration, which leads to the transportation of moisture and nutrition along with moisture retention, less evaporation, less water demand, more available nutrition resulting in agronomic vitality like never seen before. In turf; consistency in soil, turf and playing conditions throughout the course, transitions made easy, no fairy ring, and perhaps no sod replacement and lesser aerifying, all at a lower operational cost.
Visible results are often observed in the first 3-4 months and continue to improve conditions of everything from clogged sprinkler heads (solved) to shrubs to spots where you may have never been able to grow grass before.

The WaterSOLV Program is neither a nutrient or fertilizer, though they will likely harvest complexed nutrition from the soil for some time and bound up nutrition in the water, reducing nutritional demand for a good period of time. The WaterSOLV Program takes a completely different approach, making complexed minerals and metals in water and soil available through a chemical ion exchange with bicarbonate, and by converting those minerals to available nutrition without having to suppress pH. Convert hardness and scale to nutrition, detoxify sodium, and assure the soil has an aerobic profile with the use of our chemical aerification solution.
Sodium is rendered inert by chemically stabilizing the sodium electron with a desirable proton. An aerobic soil profile is propagated with the addition of low levels of our organically inhibited peroxide whereby the environmental fate of the product is dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide and water with some quasi-acetate nutrients (scale converted to nutrition). The WaterSOLV Program is completely custom to your soil and water and applied linear to water quality.
"Arizona Country Club realized results in 100 days where the Fountain Hills fountain turf realized it in 5 months and in 7 months they saw it in their trees. Fountain Hills is 100% reclaimed water with no supplemental treatment other than just mowing and those conditions existed for years – soil is a filter and the more it gets plugged up, the more of our chemistry it will take to rehabilitate it. We can supplement the rate of recovery by physical means as well, on a case by case basis. Advising on these options are all part of our Program." - Todd Eden, Principal