How WaterSOLV Makes Hard Water Beneficial | Probe Penetration
Making Hard Water Beneficial
Year over year, more alkalinity reduction, more wetting agents, continual bald spots, fairy ring, re-sod, add calcium, add gypsum, transition lingering months away. Gypsum is a desiccant. All along more nitrogen is applied, more organic matter is plowed into the soil; sand to the turf, all to placate the actual problem - SCALE - carbonate/ carbon dioxide complexing the minerals while sodium lingers around toxifying the vegetation.
Traditional Treatment:
Blend with filtered water, add acid to lower pH by releasing alkalinity making the water more soluble to carry nutrients through the carbonate scale to the root zones, aerify, verti-cut, flush salts, add wetting agents, beneficial bacteria, ...
Why it keeps getting worse:
As water is consumed (the H20 part), minerals in the water concentrate. Mother Nature then has them nucleate and GROW crystals - yes, just like in school when we grew rock crystals. When we see this after washing our car we call it scale, micro crystals. We see it in major forms in evaporative coolers, also in humidifiers in the presence of heat, in our sinks, shower doors, faucet heads, pool tile, ... How bad is it with your water source? Take a look. Just take three inches of your own water an place it in a galls and let it evaporate to dryness. Then, visually multiply what you see by 20 (5 Acre ft. of water a year). In agronomy, were do we expect it all to go? We simply get too much in arid regions so we acidize it, low pH, dissolve it into water and then what happens . . . it evaporates into a more dense crystal or perhaps a soap crystal (if we used wetting agents), which then plugs up our infiltration, increases runoff, forces more water and salt loading, minimizes moisture infiltration and moisture retention, both which are necessary for the hydration of the plant, and for the transportation of nutrition. Over-watering, in the presence of high levels of sulfur combined with 10,000 or more colony forming units of bacteria leading to the lively-hood of anoxic, anaerobic black matter.
The lab reports say, more acid year over year, incorporate gypsum, along with the associated disclaimer. You soil analysis keeps looking worse and tissue analysis shows a continual reduction in essential metals and nutrients. Time to aerify, sand and add more energy drink - I mean nitrogen, or ammonium sulfate, or . . . .
How HCT is different:
Alkalinity replacement; ion exchange releasing the carbonate and forming a quazi acetate
The quazi acetate is the form of the minerals the plant works to create.
As water evaporates, the minerals stay water soluble, in the preferred chemical form, they do not crystalize.
This is why we can treat hardness at 1/10th the amount of sulfurous acid – we are not having to dissolve the evaporative crystals that form.
Bad Water / Probe Penetration
Traditional Treatment:
Aerify and sand
Why it keeps getting worse:
We are basically scaling over our soils blocking water, hydration, moisture retention, nutrient flow and transportation. It's very similar to putting stucco on a block wall.
HCT is different:
Soil remains permeable because minerals do not scale or form crystals. Hydration goes deep into the soil and remains in the soil longer, allowing for retention of moisture which in turns allows for the transportation of nutrition based on plant demand.